
On this website we use cookies. Below, we explain what cookies are, what kind of cookies we use, why we use cookies and how you can turn cookies off.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file containing a sequence of numbers and letters that is sent to your computer when you visit our website. On your next visit to our website, the cookie ensures that the website recognizes your browser. Cookies are files that remember your preferences during browsing and save them on the device (computer, phone or tablet) you used. A cookie does not store your name, address, age or other personal information. Also other personal information such as passwords is not known by a cookie. They only remember your preferences and your interests based on your online surfing behavior. You can have your browser refuse all cookies or let you know when a cookie is being sent. Some functions or services from our website may not function properly without cookies. By visiting the website and using the available functionalities, you give us permission to process the information through the web analysis service, in the manner and for the purposes described in our privacy policy.

What kind of cookies does Bertels use?

We use the following cookies:

1. Functional cookies

Functional cookies ensure that the website works properly. One good example are cookies for our search function. Your device remembers your own settings. We do not have to request your permission for these cookies in advance.

2. Analytical cookies

With analytical cookies we gain insight into how you use our website. These cookies are used for website statistics. With these insights we try to improve our website. Analytical cookies are a minimal violation of your privacy. The stored data cannot be traced back to one single person. We use Google Analytics and Hotjar. For example, to analyze which webpages are visited most frequently and via which browser or device visitors are surfing online. Based on this data we can improve our website. This data is stored anonymously so it cannot be traced back to who you are. It is only used to analyze your visit to our website. We do not have to request permission for these anonymous cookies either.

3. Tracking cookies

If while visiting another website, cookies can be read, these are called tracking cookies. With these cookies, Bertels can track the surf behaviour of visitor throughout a certain period. From this data of visited websites, personal interests can be tracked. With this information Bertels is able to offer website visitors more specific targeted content. Tracking cookies enable to create personas of website visitors and tread them differently.

4. Local storage and session storage

Sometimes data is not stored in a cookie, but in the local storage of your browser. This works about the same, but you can store more data and it's safer. In addition, not websites, but you decide how long the data should be saved. This depends on the settings of your browser and / or how often you erase your browser history. Session storage is the same, but is always immediately removed when you close your browser.

5. Third-party cookies

Some cookies on the Bertels website are placed by third parties to bring certain things to your attention. We refer to the online privacy statements of these third parties (on their own websites) for the cookies they place, the information they collect with them and the purposes for which that information is used. These statements can change regularly and Bertels has no control whatsoever.

6. Social media

Cookies to share the content of our website via Social Media. Social Media networks profile and track their visitors. By accepting these cookies, your internet behavior can be monitored by social media.

7. Other

Cookies which do not fit any of the earlier categories. By accepting these cookies your internet behavior can be monitored by social media, advertisement or other networks.

Why do we use third-party cookies?

Our website uses various services from Google Inc., such as Google Analytics and YouTube. We use these services to make reports on how visitors use the websites and to be able to show YouTube videos and to analyze viewing behavior. These statistics and videos function through pieces of code that come from Google. This code can also place cookies, which will be placed for a maximum of 2 years, unless you delete them yourself before then. The information that Google collects is anonymized as much as possible. The information is transferred to and stored by Google on servers in the United States of America. Google states to adhere to the EU/US Privacy Shield and is listed as EU/US Privacy Shield certified. This means that there is an appropriate level of protection for the processing of any personal data. We have no influence on the use of the data by Google and / or third parties. Read Google's privacy statement (which can change regularly) to read what it does with your (personal) data that it processes through these cookies.

How can I turn off the cookies?

Disabling cookies only affects the device and browser on which you delete them. If you use multiple devices and browsers this should be done for all browsers and devices. You can disable our cookies exactly as you can all others. Keep in mind that our website may not work optimally if you choose to do so. How to disable or delete cookies is explained here
• Chrome
• Firefox
• Internet Explorer
• Edge
• Safari (iOS)
• Safari (macOS)

Contact information
Ommelpad 2
6035 PC Ospel
+31 (0)495 631 559